Thursday, February 28, 2008

Texts to Synthesize

I will synthesis The Arab Image by Jack Shaheen and The Movie Crash.

The Text The Arab Image discusses the ability of hollywood to portray different races and religions as whatever they want in this particular case Arabs as Terrorists and Nutjobs. The text also discusses racial stereotypes. In the Movie Crash racial stereotypes are portryaed in real life and describes where and how differnt events take place in LA. Both discuss the idea of racial steryotypes and hate crimes.


Jeremy said...

Good choice of synthesis. Crash is a great movie full of stereotypes that synthesizes well with The Arab Image.

Amanda Proctor said...

I really like that you are not doing the cave! but your conection between races is a very orginal thought that i really like! Im sure you will make it work!

mjt89 said...

i think the 2 types of texts that you are using were great examples. i think synthesising these too will come out really good.

cjean said...

I think both of those will work really well together. Crash is a really good movie.