Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rhetorical Appeals to Smoking Advertisement

This advertisement is trying to persuade women to smoke. It states that women have been smoking forever and that it is very pleasurable. This ad in particular is to get women to smoke chesterfield cigarettes due to the milder pleasing taste than regular cigarettes. It just kind of states that women should smoke if they want to not because society thinks that only men can smoke. The company is trying to widen their customer base to increase revenue. This advertisement is probably published in a well respected women's magazine and the cigarettes are a major name brand of cigarettes. Pathos is used by showing that even the upper class women of society from the picture are able to smoke and look cool. It is OK for women to smoke. It seems that I can still look in the upper class of society if I smoke or I can look like I am in the upper class of society if I smoke chesterfields. Logos is used quite well it show that other women are smoking and all types of women are doing it. Why aren't you smoking women?

Rhetorical Appeals of Nikon Advertisement

What does this advertisement say? This advertisement says you should go with the camera with more megapixels and the image will pop out at you. It will be an outstandingly better picture. By buying a Nikon Camera you will still have very high quality pictures but the higher the quality camera from them will yield better results. Megapixels in Cameras do make a difference. Nikon gives the advertisement Ethos. Nikon has been known for making quality cameras for a long time and a well respected camera manufacturing company. Pathos is fairly obvious in this piece. We all know a guy looking at this picture would want to buy the coolpix3100 instead of the coolpix2100. Logos it does seem logical that the higher the resolution in megapixels the better the picture will turn out. At the bottom of the picture it says Nikon No1 so we know the cameras have to bee good and we know which one is better by the image. In the image the lady on the left seems to be looking down in defeat while the lady on the right seems to be looking a little up and happier. Which camera would you choose?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

1984 Apple Advertisment Analyzed

Rhetorically Analyzed

In this 1984 commercial is for Apple Computers release for Macintosh their new operating program. The commercial is a very credible source. Apple has been making quality computers since 1976 so the company has already has a customer base and is known for producing quality computer by 1984. The use of logos is very effective. The video portrays a type of brainwashed communistic state being freed by a woman who throws a hammer through the competitor brainwashing video. My guess is that the brainwashed people have been using the Microsoft the other large competitor to apple. So free yourself from the un-user friendly operating system and get an apple and be free to do what you want. It appeals to the emotions in that wait if I am not using an Apple system I am nothing but a mindless drone and in the wake of communism this is a bad thing and the basis on America is that I am free to do what I want not be in a communistic state like the soviet union was. This use of apple being the rebel to free everyone from the mindless drone state is very effective. Apple become the savior and the good guy while making the competitor look bad. Apple also uses the text at the end to say that the future will never be the same due to the release of this new operating system.