Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rhetorical Advertisment

The Author is Oldsmobile which is know for making good vehicles and they are trying to sell a fast car by saying it is like a rocket and will go faster and get you ahead of the competitor’s car. The audience or target of the article is anyone in the car market and it is trying to persuade them to buy the vehicle. If they buy the vehicle they are assured they car will be better than the competitor’s car. Once you drive this car you will never be able to drive another car again. It has superior speed on straight-aways. It is almost as if it is powered by a rocket engine. The logic is that I will be able to go faster in this car than any other car on the market. The article makes clear connections with the times. During the 1950’s in the United States was in the beginnings of the rocket era. Oldsmobile was trying to make connections in with shooting to the moon and the speed of the car. It does make sense that Oldsmobile would try this strategy to sell a car. Also from the picture it appears that from the rocket you hat will be blown off and you will have to hold on in order to drive this car. It is the perfect car for Americans to buy husbands returning from war would want a car that is fast and they could show off and Oldsmobile will give them this in this specific car.

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